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  • Pakistan is a democratic parliamentary Federal Republic and Islam is the State Religion. President is the Head of State whereas Prime Minister is the Leader of the largest Elected Majority of the National Assembly.

  • Pakistan is strategically located in South Asia, where Iran, India, China and Afghanistan are its neighbor countries. It has the ground route to Central Asian Countries through Afghanistan. The Coast line is around 1000km along with Arabian Sea & Gulf of Oman. It is the 6th most populous country in the World with a Population of approx 180m. It’s the 36th largest country in the World in terms of area which is approximately 800,000 sqkm.

  • GDP (PPP) Estimated is US$574bn with a growth rate of 3.7% (2013),

  • Per capita income is estimated at $3000 (2013)

  • The economy of Pakistan is the 26th Largest in the world in terms of purchasing power parity (PPP), and 44th largest in terms of nominal GDP.

  • Pakistan economic outlook is positive and each sector inclusive of manufacturing, services, production, retail, etc is growing manifolds. Clothing & textile contributes 60% of the exports & employs over 15m of population. MNC’s like Coca Cola, Pepsi, Nestle, Unilever, General Electric, Mitsubishi, Daewoo, Haier, Changhong, SONY, Siemens, Zong, Hyperstar, etc. are all posting positive growth successively.

  • Pakistani nation is youthful with 62% of population under 24 years of age.

  • Over 35% of population lives in urban areas.

  • The literacy rate is 57%

  • 37 million strong middle class population earning US$ 10,000/per annum.

  • 30th best market for retail expansion.

  • One of the largest tele-communication networks in the world (over 120 million subscribers).

  • Ranked 19th in the world for investment-friendly policies.

  • It has 10th largest workforce in the world wrt its size.

  • Pakistan is also one of the few resource rich countries in the world having large reserves of coal, gas, salt, gemstones, copper and gold. It is also rich in oil, iron, titanium and aluminum, which are necessity for any growing economy.

  • Largest network of water Canals (irrigation system) in the world.

  • Pakistan is one of the diversified countries of the world in terms of its culture, landscape, and climate.


Soft Launch Ceremony
on 19 July 2019
at Nishat Hotel Lahore
Click the video to watch .. 
PAPGAI Election Form 
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Pakistan's Mega Print Show
November  22-23-24, 2019

Expo Centre Lahore - PAKISTAN


Contact PAPGAI Office for Booking

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